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Welcome TO Theosophical Society

Theosophical Society around the world

Blavatsky began more than 20 years of extensive travel all over the world, which is extremely difficult to trace in any coherent manner. Between 1848 and 1875 she went around the world three times in search of wisdom about the nature of life and the reason for human existence. This brought her into contact with mystic traditions all over the world..

  • In July 1875, HPB wrote in her scrapbook: Orders received from India direct to establish a philosophico-religious society and choose a name for it, also to choose Olcott
  • Blavatsky’s then Co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875

The Three Objects of the Theosophical Society are as follows :

  • To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.
  • To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.
  • To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.